Vibe Scout
Friction Reduction Tool
The Vibe Scout system utilizes drill string hydraulics to produce axial vibrations to overcome poor weight transfer, stick-slip, drag, and other common drilling dysfunctions associated with directional and horizontal drilling applications. The result is better tool face control, improved drilling performance, better bit life, and increased lateral lengths due to the dramatic reduction in static friction.
Field adjustable pressure drop, compatibility with all types of MWD systems, and superior quality control systems make the Vibe Scout your obvious choice for friction reduction services.
- Wells where high torque and drag is limiting performance
- Wells with poor weight transfer
- Axial vibration
- Adjustable pressure drop at the rig site
- Offered in two frequencies to ensure MWD compatibility
- Reduces drill string fatigue, friction, and stick-slip
- All tools are flow-tested prior to each deployment
- Tested at rigsite to provide maximum benefit and reduce the number of tools
required to finish the job - Reliability through reduced MWD issues with an adjustable pressure drop and
extensive testing with MWD systems - Axial movement maximizes friction reduction
- Amplifier designed for optimum frequency to reduce erratic pulses and
inconsistent performance - External ability to reduce pressure drop

Consistent frequency and amplitude through vertical, curve and lateral.

Vibe Scout can be embedded with CuBIC® drilling dynamics sensors from Sanvean Technologies for post-run performance verification. See CuBIC under product offerings.